Albert Ellis Dies at 93
2007/07/24 23:20 Filed in: Abnormal-Clinical History
The New York Times reports that the founder of "rational-emotive behavior therapy," Albert Ellis, has died at age 93. Ellis was both an incredibly influential figure in
his challenge to the orthodoxy of Freudian theory in the 1950s and 1960s, but also one of the great characters in psychology. His belief that people are prone to think like they were crazy (and thereby makes themselves nuts) and that people believe all sorts of nonsense prompted him to rail and challenge both patients and critics alike. I only saw Ellis once or twice at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, but to hear him preach the "Gospel of St. Albert" as the New York Times obit writer put it was a bracing experience. In class, lectures and discussions about Ellis' approach to therapy in my experience often bring out passionate statements in support and opposition. But, they are always fun.
Target article: Kaufman, M. T. (2007, July 25). Albert Ellis, influential psychotherapist, dies at 93. New York Times. Retrieved July 24, 2007 from the New York Times website.
Resources: Albert Ellis Institute | Albert Ellis (@ Wikipedia)

Target article: Kaufman, M. T. (2007, July 25). Albert Ellis, influential psychotherapist, dies at 93. New York Times. Retrieved July 24, 2007 from the New York Times website.
Resources: Albert Ellis Institute | Albert Ellis (@ Wikipedia)